Effective methods of cleansing the body of parasites in the home

Rarely think of what is the quantity of parasites that inhabit our body – there are a lot of videos on the internet, where all of this can be see with their own eyes.


In the first place, of course, helminths (worms), about the presence of which we are not always aware, until that helminths not enter into the more serious phase, and the disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs, the feelings of unease and discomfort of withdraw at any thing, including the ecology.

Why and when to do cleansing the body of parasites

For long years in our body, builds up the mass and toxins; the weight of the toxins are also highlights in the life process of the parasites and the poisons slowly for him.

Many do not like to go to the doctors and despite knowing about the presence of the worms prefer to do the cleaning independently.

However, cleansing the body of parasites in the home – the event is not only extremely important, but requires some knowledge.

Parasites, along with the worms that known all over the world, are also a great variety of fungi, viruses, protozoa, and others, whose number is estimated at tens, and hundreds.

Yes, and worms do not necessarily inhabit the gastrointestinal tract, the place of location of several of its species, it can become any organ, even the heart and the brain.

Their means of life, in the human body is not only deprived of a part of the nutrients from food, but it is the cause of his poisoning by toxins that are made available to parasites.

On the presence of parasites, in particular worms, can indicate the following symptoms:

  • the dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, sometimes constipation and/or diarrhea;
  • the abrupt change of the mass of the body (often on the side of the reduction, but it is sometimes possible to the appearance of excess weight) in case of excessive or, conversely, a decreased appetite;
  • the constant feeling of fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, and insomnia;
  • frequent headaches;
  • the breakdown in the functioning of the liver and gallbladder;
  • the drop in the level of hemoglobin in the blood until the anemia;
  • manifestations of allergy, which before was not felt, most often in the form of a skin rashes;
  • the decrease of the defenses of the immune system.
The diagnosis

But, as already mentioned, the species of helminths an incredible amount, and for the effective treatment, it is necessary to find out what kind of parasite in the body.

Without laboratory analysis is not possible yes, and that is not always the first time, give reliable the result, therefore, before the start of the purification of the body, it is recommended to deliver the tests several times.

It should not be forgotten that for the most dangerous of the helmintosis asymptomatic to flight, and only in the timely identification can often prevent death.

But even if helminths and not in danger of being like the rock consequences, is able to completely poison the life, and, therefore, he must get rid of any suitable ways, medicated or remedies in the home.

Where to start? In the first place, with the treatment and deposit of the funds allocated to the analysis. In the second place, to cleanse not only the body, but in your space, as well as the eggs of the helminths can fall into it with the dust of carpets, flooring, bedding, the surface of the furniture, etc, and the time that retain viability in the conditions of home.

You must also:

  • care to comply with the personal hygiene measures;
  • exposing the products such as meat and fish enough to a heat treatment, and the vegetables and fruits should be washed.

This, of course, not all of the measures for the prevention of helminth infection, but even they will help you to reduce the risk of re-charges.

Methods of cleaning the body

Hardly someone will be able to say with certainty what is the best dry cleaning, especially in the home.

Medicamentous means are faster, many of them in general are taken a single time, usually with the repetition of the reception through two weeks, however, we must not forget of its contraindications and side effects of the actions.

The treatment of remedies, as a general rule, performs the course of one to several weeks, but you will be more careful.

Before selecting a method of cleansing the body of parasites at home, it is recommended to check with the recipe, the scheme of reception, possible contraindications, and choose the one that is most effective against a particular type of helmintiasisa, which is diagnosed to you or your loved ones.


Keep in mind that some are not suitable for children, in addition, it is necessary to know the exact dose and the scheme of reception and not change them.

If there is intolerance individual of any of the media, the treatment has to leave and select another.

Excellent comments on cleansing the body of parasites suyama. Being a candidate of biological sciences, the Hope of semenov is a popular healer, as well as to the subtleties studied the properties of the natural products, plants, herbs, etc, used in the popular medicine for these effects.

From them has developed its comprehensive methodology of cleansing the body of parasites, which includes several aspects, including appropriate nutrition to get rid of the slag and of the deprivation of parasites favorable for them to a culture medium, which create candies, cakes and other products.

For the purification was effective, it is best to go to the vegetarian mode power supply with a sufficient amount of liquid (at least 2 litres of water a day).

When exactly diagnosed type of helmintiasisa, the program will have to repeat over a period of time, which depends on the life cycle of a parasite.

And he himself, as a general rule, it dies, but in the body can be the larvae and the eggs that can become adults.

Therefore, the course must be repeated several times with an interval of 18 to 20 days: for example, when pinworm twice, and when ascaride and vlasoglavah – four.

Medications to the

There are currently a multitude of drugs against parasites: some of them are effective against certain species of helminths, for example, or round, or tapeworms, or flukes, others have a broad spectrum of action.

However, it should be understood that the effectiveness of the exhibition, inevitably, will produce adverse consequences for the organism due to toxicity of the drug, which is inherent to them, to a greater or lesser extent.

Therefore, to minimize the consequences of the helmintiasisa, and the prepared medicated usually, the treatment is carried out comprehensively, in three phases: preparatory, in reality, anti-helminthic and recovery.

In the complex therapy includes tools for the prevention of the intoxication of the media of the death of the parasites; they also help to overcome the negative effects of the exposure of the parasites in the body.

Popular tool

To cleanse the body of parasites in the household applies a series of remedies, mostly foods and herbs that have a burning, bitter and spicy taste, that is to say, by the fact that they do not bear helminths. On this is based its a cleansing effect.


The garlic
  • For enemas bypass several cloves of garlic through the press, pour a glass of warm water, night to insist, and in the morning strain and do an enema. Repeat within 5 days.
  • 0.25 cup of horseradish grated and minced garlic to mix, pour 1 liter of water, insist within 10 days. Take a half hour before the meal 1 tablespoons x 3 € per day.
  • 12 drops of freshly-squeezed juice of garlic to dissolve in 200 ml of warm milk and take a half-hour before meals 3 € per day. The course is of 7 days.
  • Clean the piece of garlic inserted at night into the anus, in the morning remove.

In the herbs (wormwood, tansy ragwort, clove and others).

  • Mix the dry crushed herb: wormwood (30 g), pepper (50g) and tansy (100 g). Take half hour before eating in the following way: in the day 1 1 1 teaspoon, on the 2nd day – double-1 teaspoon, 3 days, and then three times a day for 1 teaspoon with a slide.
  • 2 tablespoons of dried flowers of tansy pour boiling water (1 l), to insist, strain and take before meals 0.5 tablespoons x 3 € per day.

The sosa.

30 g of sodium bicarbonate, pour 800 ml of water and dissolve completely. First do a cleansing enema 2 l of normal water, and then introduce soda to the solution and trying to delay a bowel movement at least half an hour.

After defecation repeat a cleansing enema with plain water. Repeat the procedure after a day of 7-8 times.

With the brandy and castor oil.

Mix 50 ml of brandy and castor oil (one-time payment of receipt), within 2-3 days of drinking in the morning on an empty stomach. To avoid dehydration, it is recommended to drink more water.

The cleaning of liver, olive oil and lemon juice.

Prepare 200 ml of olive oil (preheat) and 200 ml of juice, squeezed from a ripe lemon. Before going to bed put in the liver, the heater, and every 15 minutes, drink a mouthful of oil and the juice. In the morning along with the feces will come out stagnant bile and many other harmful substances.

(Attention! In the currently offered pro drugs more gentle.)

The coac


The depuracin the body of parasites, although it be in the home, in any case, it will be for him the stress, as it will increase the selection of the toxins of the media of the death of helminths.

Therefore, the contraindications for it much:

  • pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • the presence of chronic disease, digestive, cardiovascular, urogenital and endocrine systems;
  • oncology;
  • temporary contraindications – influenza and acute respiratory infections.

Even if you do not suffer from these diseases, you should consult with the doctor, can carry out the purification of the body remedies.